

  How Often Do You Wish You Had A Doctor on Hand? What if I told you, you could have a doctor on hand? By hand, I mean on your phone! Like me, I am sure you have come upon a medical question and need an answer! One way to help you out is apps on your phone! There are many apps that are available at your fingertips that have wide databases of medical help!  Today I am here to inform you about the apps that can help you answer your medical questions and why they are a good add-on to your phone!  Why pick these apps? To begin with, apps are convenient and helpful. Many times you may need a quick response about a medication you are using. An example includes knowing that antibiotics make birth control ineffective, many people may not know this, and having the luxury of an app to tell you can be the difference between a bun in the oven or not. These applications also allow the patient and healthcare provider to interact, communicate and discuss concerns about medications or ca...

Accidents Happen!

First Aid Should Be Your First Hand! Accidents are always bound to happen and what better way to be prepared than a first aid kit? You are probably thinking, well I have one that came with my car? If so, we are not talking about that one! Many prepackaged first aid kits do not actually have everything you need!  Today we will be talking about how to make a first aid kit from scratch and why these are better than store-bought first aid kits! Don't worry, I'll have a checklist of the items you'll need! Let's start getting crafty with our kits! What's missing?  Most store-bought first aid kits come with some bandages, bandaids, gauze, and alcohol wipes...sometimes you're lucky if you even get some antibacterial ointment. As you read this you're probably thinking this is true, but wha t more would you need? Well to tell you the truth, a lot! The best first aid kits are the ones you hand tailor to you and your family's ne eds.   Richard Bradley, MD, associate...

Diabetic? Don't Fret It!

  Diabetes Management Needs More Than Just One Set of Eyes!  Since before I was born my father has struggled with diabetes. I have seen him try many different insulins and set reminders to give himself insulin shots. Countless times I have seen him prick his finger to take his blood glucose and I always wonder what I could do to help him. Today I might have found a simple suggestion to teach him (and all of you), that may just make his life a little easier.  Yes, you guessed it! I am talking about diabetic apps to help manage your diabetes at home!  Many times people think diabetes is a sole management job, but that is not the case. Having a second pair of eyes, or an app in today's case, can really help a diabetic stay on track and avoid episodes of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.  What Are These Apps and Where Can I Find Them? Among the most popular apps, there are "mySugr" and continuous glucose monitoring apps such as "Dexcom", "Freestyle Libre", an...

Sunscreen...always a HOT topic!

SPF is your BFF! As you can imagine, living in Florida has definitely taught me some lessons on sunscreen! When I was little, I used to think sunscreen was for old people and would beg my mom to not douse me in it. Now that I realized I am in fact the "old people" I spoke of, it makes way more sense why sunscreen is so important.  As I am sure you can tell by now that the theme is sunscreen, do you really know what's in your sunscreen and why? Or what about the technique of applying sunscreen? I certainly didn't know I was applying my sunscreen all wrong! Let me help you avoid my mistakes and hopefully present to you some safe sun fun right in time for spring break!  Sunscreen has WHAT in it??? To begin with, each sunscreen is broken into four different categories, those being: active ingredients, formulation stabilizers, sensory enhancers, and added extras. Active ingredients make up 10-30% of sunscreen and include compounds that filter the sun, such as Avobenzone, O...

Mouths full of Myths!

How could I possibly know what is a myth and what is not?  Especially when it comes to all these drugs! You might be thinking what does this stressed out, no time having, anxiety-riddled nursing student know about my prescriptions??! Well to prove you wrong, I am here with my half a degree in nursing to expel some common myths everyone seems to believe are true regarding pharmacology.  The following topics that I am going to discuss are going to make your brain explode. Just like you, I believed almost all of these were true too. So I decided to give you some fun facts about medicine to use for your next party pickup lines and perhaps even save your life! Let's get started!  Soooo Can I Use The Leftover?? I am sure many of you have thought to yourself that if your family/friends used these antibiotics, it must be safe for you to use their leftovers right? That is actually false and incredibly dangerous. You should never  take antibiotics that were leftover from past ...